The Hospitalité Council is composed of twelve elected people who are members of the Diocesan Hospitalité and who are elected for a period of three years, and elections to the Council are held at the Annual General Meeting.
In addition, the members of the Pilgrimage Core group are “ex-officio” members and can attend all Council meetings
The Council aims to meet at least four times each year, but extra meetings may be called at any time during the year by either the President of the Hospitalité or the Pilgrimage Director.
The President of Hospitalité is the Chair of the Council and from the elected members, two are chosen to fulfil the roles of Treasurer and Secretary.
The meetings discuss business concerning the role of the Hospitalité whilst on Pilgrimage, the preparation days, fundraising events and other social events to publicise the pilgrimage and the work of the Hospitalité.
The elected members of the Hospitalité Council are ….
- Eileen Scott
- Bernadette Davison
- Victoria Wilson
- Sarah Fowler
- Laura Ions
- Rosanne McTernan
- Catherine Davison
- Jacinta Hetherington
- David Garrity
- Julia Henzell
- Julia Heal
- Mick Davison
Ex Officio members include …
- Claire Garbutt
- Father Michael Humble