We hope you are keeping safe and well.
Although conversations are in their initial stages, preparations are beginning for our annual Pilgrimage to Lourdes from Friday 29th July – Friday 5th August 2022. It is hoped that this year, we will be able to travel together as a Diocese once more.
In order to aid the planning stages, it would be helpful if you could indicate your interest in travelling to Lourdes in July 2022 and state if you would be willing to offer any help or volunteer for any of the roles that support the smooth running of the Pilgrimage.
Please complete the attached form as an expression of your interest, by either downloading the form (found below) or completing the online form (found below).
Thank you so much in advance for your service and support.
Please share this form as widely as you can with family and friends.
Best wishes
The Lourdes Pilgrimage Core Group and Hospitalité Council